Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 8

This morning was pretty exciting. Because can you SEE how I now have some normal (albeit irritated...) flesh color in my tonsil bed? And it's not all white?! I must be healing....

Day 7

I know. Not very exciting. At this point I think I'm just waiting for the pain to end and the scabs to thin out.

Day 6

Sorry - couldn't get one without bubbles. After talking or sitting for a while, my tonsil bed pit things start to fill up with bubbles. Not uncomfortable, but not attractive either.

Day 5

You can see that the scabs are starting to thin out...mind are seeming to thin out rather than come off. There are red bits where there has been more strain - I assume from opening my mouth to talk and eat.

Day 4

Not a whole lot of change from day 3.

Day 3

Ooooh! Fancy! Two photos! You can see that the scabs are thickened up with some dodgy dark spots. You can also see the part of my uvula where they got it a bit.

Day 2

Day 2 everything is overall more swollen but the scabs are starting to form up in the tonsil beds (white stuff). It's tough to see but my uvula is quite swollen too and I think they got the end of it and cauterized it too, as I had a little white spot there as well.